We recommend to buy:
G5 graphics banner (3x3)
Cena: 376 € w/o VAT
Lamp for POPUP wall
Cena: 93 € w/o VAT
POPUP 2 advertising wall
POPUP 2 advertising wall one of the quickest methods of creating an impression.
Width: 265 cm Height: 225 cm Weight: 25000 g Price: 450 € w/o VAT
The POPUP2 advertising wall allows you to impart information in a simple and elegant way. The large display area has no obstructive elements and provides an attractive visual display solution. Portability has a whole new meaning with the POPUP2 advertising wall. The extremely light, yet stable and hard-wearing apparatus comes with a practical carrier bag and is easily transported and erected. In no time at all, you can have everything ready for a quality display. A versatile carrier bag is included as part of the POPUP 2 advertising wall which can be used for the whole apparatus including graphics.
- POPUP 2 - EN.pdf – Product list