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G11 graphics banner
Cena: 115 € w/o VAT
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POPUP 1 advertising wall
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Expand PodiumCase
Expand PodiumCase ? a carrier box which marries the practical and aesthetic aspects of a display.
Width: 124 cm Height: 98 cm Depth: 60 cm Weight: 18900 g Price: 642 € w/o VAT
The Expand PodiumCase is a portable box on wheels which is easy to manipulate and which can be quickly and simply used as a display table. Simply open the box and affix the wooden top. The stylishly curved table provides a large area with a large variety of uses thanks to the removable internal shelves which can be used e.g. for storing prospectuses or product samples. Graphics banners can be affixed to the table, giving you more display area. The Expand PodiumCase is the perfect carrier box for the Expand 2000, Expand MediaFabric or our other products.
- PodiumCase - EN.pdf – Product list